Ravensburger PUZZLE WORLD




UI & UX Design


LINC Interaction

The Story


When I started the project, the task was to transfer the online shop »My Ravensburger Fotopuzzles« to the »Puzzle World« app. You can order customized puzzles on the website (motif, number of pieces and box design). The project goal was to inspire puzzle fans about designing individual puzzles so that sales increase. The aim was also to create another digital touchpoint for the Ravensburger brand in order to further strengthen visibility.
When I joined this project the basic concept was already manifested. So I was hired to support the the team develop a smooth usability experience and create an playful interface based on the popping color palette Ravensburger defined. 


The bitter end: The app has now been removed from the App Store and the reviews have provided the reason. The basic concept was simply too weak, but none of the stakeholders were aware of this at the time. So I decided to build this case study with an improved product – a combination of digital jigsaws and shopping.
