It has to feel right – for the users, for you, for me.


Marko Hemmerich

Based in Frankfurt am Main

I love preparing informations, making them accessible and thereby helping people reaching their daily goals more easy or simply entertaining them.

Creating digital products is a kind of work that is always connected with emotions, because very diverse people are involved. I never try to please every body, but I always treat every stakeholder with empathy – avoiding wasting energy with negative feelings and preserve a smooth workflow.  

That's what drives me and what I'm convinced is a meaningful contribution that, among other things, is worth getting up for every morning.

I'm always happy about connecting with good people who share my passion for creating digital products that feeld right.


My skills focus on the areas of user experience concepts and user interface design. Depending on needs, I offer support in the development of concepts and/or the implementation of these into a systematic and logical design.

Frontend coding is an co-existing skill I started learning by myself (and my friend Philipp Seiffert) ten years ago. And I'm still learning. Since than I developed a lot of custom WordPress themes. This ability helps enormously when developing user interface designs, checking their feasibility on demand and discussing possible challenges with developers.

Today I'm centring on the development of digital products with high standards of concepts and strategies for larger brands and industries. Depending on the requirements of the project, I provide support in the UX segment, for example with the creation of journeys, flows or wireframes. In the UI area, I am an expert in transfer concepts into user-optimized interfaces through to testable prototypes. It's more about translating brand design concepts rather than adapting them to products.

Their is one thing all projects have in commen – they are highly emotional, because people crafting them for people. On the surface every stakeholder argues with facts and numbers, based on research and experiences. But when passionate pros gather surfaces break and it's getting deep – in every direction. I'm a person who developed a sensitive sense of empathy over time to handle those diverse characters and their emotions trough the right kind of communication. This skill makes it easy for me to fit myself easy in different teams. 


  • Experience Design (UX)
  • Interface Design (UI)
  • Web Design
  • App Design
  • Prototyping
  • Consulting
  • Workshops


  • Figma
  • Miro
  • After Effects
  • Jira
  • Confluence
  • Gitlaba

